I hope you can advise me. I’ve developed major thyroid issues and am trying to avoid anything with metal or lithium in them. Do you know if ceramic crowns have any metal in them? Also, do you know how I can find a dentist willing to work with the limitations I have?
Dear Mariana,
Let’s talk about the metal first. While ceramics are metal free, I am wondering if you are actually talking about metal ions. I do not believe you will be able to find anything that has no metal ions. For instance, iron ions are essential for life and are found in your body. But, if you are not talking about ions and just the metal itself, you will find a variety of ceramics that will be very useful to you. If you are talking about a crown for a back tooth, you will want something very strong as well as metal free. In that case, I would go with zirconia. This is sometimes called ceramic steel because of it’s strength and will do fine on your back teeth. Above I put an image that had both a metal and a metal-free (using zirconia) dental implant fixtures.
There are two types of dentists you can do an internet search for that I think will be more than willing to work with you. The first may use the term metal-free dentist. Though, I think you may want to look into a holistic dentist (sometimes called a biological dentist). These dentists factor in the whole body in their treatment an not just the mouth.
I hope that helps and that your thyroid problems can be treated successfully. I know it is a complicated situation to deal with.
This blog is brought to you by Sugar Land Dentist Dr. Siny Thomas.