I’m going to be bluntly honest and say I have never liked dentists. There has yet to be a single appointment in my life that didn’t end up excruciating. As a result, I have avoided going for quite a few years. I KNOW I’m going to need a lot of work. I want to get this over with as quickly as possible. To that end, how much work can be done in one sitting?
Dear Kevin,
I am sorry you have had such difficult experiences with your dental visits. Many people who’ve experienced dental trauma, often originating during a childhood appointment, develop dental anxiety. This, in turn, can make every appointment after that into feelings of torment. The solution I propose will have a two for one benefit. I’d like you to find a sedation dentist in your area.
A Sedation Dentist Can Provide a Pain-Free Appointment
While there are varying levels of dental sedation, I’m going to recommend you use oral conscious sedation. This is administered with a simple pill, but it is a STRONG pill. You will need someone to drive you to and from your dental appointment. Many patients who use this type of sedation find they are so relaxed they can even sleep through their appointment. A few pain-free appointments and their lives and view of their dental appointments are changed forever.
You may even find yourself liking a dentist!
A Sedation Dentist Can do More Work at a Time
Because you are so relaxed and likely snoozing, your dentist will be able to get a considerable amount of work done at each appointment. Therefore, depending on exactly how much work you need, you can get done in one appointment. You will need a consultation that goes over your medical history. It will be important you bring a list of every medication you are on, including over the counter meds and vitamins, so your dentist will have the information to give you the perfect sedation medication and avoid any counter-indications.
I think you’ll find yourself on a journey of good oral health and a new view of the dental profession.
This blog is brought to you by Sugarland Dentist Dr. Siny Thomas.