My new partial denture makes my lips and tongue burn. I’ve had a bad taste in my mouth since getting the partial, too. My dentist says I am allergic to the metal in the denture and recommends a $4,500 bridge. Is there another way to replace my two missing teeth? The denture is so uncomfortable. My dentist gave me liquid lidocaine to swish in my mouth three times daily, but it only numbs my mouth. It doesn’t resolve the problem. What else can I do? – Thanks. Alden from TN
It does seem that you’re having an allergic reaction to the partial denture. However, we are concerned with two things your doctor told you.
Although a fixed dental bridge could replace your teeth, it’s not within your budget. Your dentist should explain metal-free alternatives for a partial denture.
Strangely, your dentist prescribed a lidocaine rinse for your burning lips and tongue. You’ve only experienced temporary relief for about 15 minutes. If you are allergic to your partial denture, stop using it to prevent further irritation. Ask your dentist about other partial denture materials or find a skilled cosmetic dentist to explain your options.
What If You’re Allergic to Your Partial Denture?
Metal-free partial denture
Partial dentures can be made of metal, acrylic, or thermoplastic resin. Metal or acrylic are more likely to provoke a reaction. Thermoplastic resin, including a Valplast partial denture, is more durable and flexible than acrylic. Although we are unaware of allergic reactions to thermoplastic resin, some people may react.
Partial dentures that contain metal are more likely to cause a reaction, with nickel being a common culprit. You may want to see an allergist for testing to determine which metals and materials you should avoid. Afterward, you can present the list to a dentist to determine which materials are best for your new partial denture.
Sugar Land implant and cosmetic dentist Dr. Siny Thomas sponsors this post.