My dentist replaced my eight veneers and a dental bridge last October to replace worn cosmetic work and open my bite. I had not complained of bite issues, but what do I know about it? I was so uncomfortable wearing the temporary teeth that my dentist replaced them twice. I lost seven pounds because eating was so painful. The dental bridge fell out twice. I should not have given my dentist approval to make the permanent teeth, but I was exhausted and hoping that someone would get it right between my dentist and the lab.
I have my final veneers and bridge now, but I am experiencing dry mouth, veneers sticking to my teeth, and air bubbles between them. My anxiety is so high that I am rubbing my tongue along the gums of my back teeth and making them sore. My dentist’s attempts to adjust my bite have failed. I just wanted to refresh my veneers and dental bridge for a better smile, but this ruined my life. My mouth is either in pain or feels weird daily. I no longer look forward to any meal. Will I need to repeat this process with another dentist, or can I save my veneers and bridge? Thanks. Dionna
Unfortunately, you need new dental work to restore your teeth and bite. Regardless of what your dentist says, please don’t allow him or her to try to adjust or repeat the work.
How Can a Dentist Open Your Bite?
To open your bite, a dentist must complete crown work on at least every tooth in one arch. Often, opening your work requires restoring every tooth. However, a dentist must harmonize your bite with temporary crowns, or the final ones will not work. We don’t understand why your dentist moved forward with the final restorations, even if you agreed.
When you experience bite collapse from worn down teeth, a dentist opens the bite to restore your vertical dimension to its previous state. It seems your dentist opened your bite, although you had no concerns. Perhaps your dentist wanted more of your upper teeth to show when you smile.
The signs and symptoms you are experiencing with dry mouth and your lips reflect bite disruption. Your oral health and discomfort require repeating your case. Although we don’t have details of your case, it sounds like you deserve a refund. You may qualify for a dental malpractice case.
Consult a Cosmetic Dentist
Porcelain veneer
We recommend finding two dentists with advanced cosmetic dentistry training and occlusion and bite training. Research their credentials and patient reviews before scheduling a consultation. Ask the dentist you choose for your full-mouth reconstruction with porcelain veneers and crowns to contact your current dentist, explain the findings, and request a refund. You can complain to the dental board or consult a lawyer about whether you have a legal case.
Most importantly, consult an expert cosmetic dentist to restore your teeth and quality of life.
Sugar Land implant and cosmetic dentist Dr. Siny Thomas sponsors this post. Watch a patient testimonial from one of Dr. Thomas’s dental implant patients.