My dentist did a root canal for the second time on one of my top left last March, but the tooth started to hurt in May. My dentist referred me to an endodontist that I saw this past Tuesday. The endodontist recommends pulling the tooth because it keeps getting infected. I don’t want to lose the tooth unnecessarily. What is your advice? – Thank you. Shelby from KS
Thank you for contacting Cornerstone Dentistry with your question.
Can You Get a Third Root Canal Tooth Instead of an Extraction?
Root canals can become re-infected if a dentist does not clean and seal them thoroughly. If the canals become infected twice and a third treatment is needed, a specialist may recommend removing the tooth. Endodontists are specialists in root canal therapy and can accurately evaluate whether a tooth is savable. Although you may request a third root canal treatment, you may still lose the tooth. A dental implant can replace it.
Should You Get a Dental Implant or a Bridge?
A dental implant can last decades
Although a dental bridge can replace a missing tooth, an implant is the most effective way to replace a missing tooth.
Consider these factors:
- A dental bridge requires work on adjacent teeth—shaving them down for crown on either end of the bridge to fit over your teeth.
- An implant feels and functions like a healthy natural tooth and does not require work on adjacent teeth.
- Placing the implant requires surgery and three to four months of healing time. Afterward, you can receive a final dental crown. The process can take eight to twelve months.
- A dental implant can last decades—even a lifetime. You will only need to replace the implant crown after years of wear.
Will Dental Insurance Cover an Implant?
An implant can cost several thousand dollars, and insurance may provide partial coverage if any. Ask your implant dentist for a pretreatment estimate to send to the insurance company. It will help you anticipate out-of-pocket costs for an implant.
Schedule a consultation with one or two advanced implant dentists to discuss your options.
Sugar Land, Texas, dentist Dr. Siny Thomas sponsors this post.