I’ve checked ten places for affordable dentures and implants, but the prices are too high, even after insurance, so removable dentures are my only option. At age 52, I know I won’t be able to avoid facial collapse. I’ve had four consultations for dentures with four to six implants and contacted my insurance company to estimate how much they will pay. My out-of-pocket costs are too high. I looked online for assistance, but I still cannot afford implant dentures. Am I overlooking any programs for people who can’t afford implant dentures even though they have insurance? Thanks. Amy from Newport News, VA
We understand your concerns about the cost of implant dentures and the emotional effects of jawbone shrinkage and facial sagging or collapse. We wish we had better news for you, but dental implants are an upgrade that requires the patient to share most of the cost.
Where Can You Find Affordable Dentures and Implants?
Although you will share some of the expense, even for affordable dentures and implants, consider exploring the following ways to make them more affordable.
Dental schools that teach implant dentistry
If your community has dental schools that teach implant dentistry, they may ask for volunteers for their courses. The school will offer discounted services for the inconvenience of getting treatment from students.
Charity dentistry
Some cities have charitable dentistry programs for people who cannot afford a dentist. However, the programs offer the most affordable dental solutions. If all your teeth are missing, the program will offer an affordable removable denture, not a costly implant-retained or implant-supported denture.
Alternatives to four to six dental implants for dentures
A snap-on denture is an affordable dentures and implants option
A snap-on denture is an affordable alternative to four to six dental implants for dentures. You can get two implants instead, although your denture will be less secure and stimulate a smaller area of the jawbone. Or, you may qualify for mini implants, which have a smaller diameter than standard implants. According to the Journal of Prosthodontic Research, studies show that implant-retained dentures, such as snap-on dentures, improve your experience with dentures, including comfort, stability, and eating.
Get an implant denture in phases
You could get a removable denture now and save to have it fitted for dental implants. Getting the work done in phases may be more affordable for your budget.
Precautions for Affordable Dentures and Implants
Prioritize quality over affordable dentures and implants by not choosing a dentist because their fees are the lowest.
- Consult with dentists with post-dental-school implant training and experience.
- Ask dentists about their training and qualifications.
- Ask dentists how many implant denture cases they have completed from start to finish.
- Ask to see before and after implant denture cases of the dentist’s patients.
- Search for Google or Yelp reviews about the dental practice.